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Hacking friends PC using Neptune keylogger

Key logger are the set of codes which can be used to record the keystrokes of Victim's PC by directly stealing the input from Kernel. In this tutorial we will show you how to make an Keylogger file using a revolutionary software PROJECT NEPTUNE V1.78 keylogger which is available as both freeware & shareware.(Before starting this procedure disable your antivirus  for best results)

 Software required:

*Neptune keylogger(Download link)

Step 1:Download this keylogger from the Download link above.

Step 2: open Project Neptune v1.78 from the downloaded files.

 Step 3: In email settings enter your email id in “ENTER EMAIL TO SEND KEYSTROKE LOGS”(this id should be your fake id since generally email service providers recognize them as spam and delete them in 7 days)

Step 4: Provide your password in “SENDING EMAIL ACCOUNTS PASSWORD”

Step 5: provide your same email ID or different ID where you want to receive (

Also if you have known about FTP and have a FTP account you can use that too.

Step 6 (optional): If you want to disable mouse clicking /Internet explorer/Registry commands/Run dialog box/Task manger you can do that through going to “SYSTEM WIDE “ tab and checking the necessary check boxes. You can also prevent user from accessing specific websites (ex :any online scanners)

Step 7: In Installation tab you can specify the directory where your key logger is going to RUN on your friends PC .It is best to select “system Files Folder-C:\windows\system32”

Step 8(optional): Using “EXTRA OPTIONS” tab you can display an fake error messages like “Disable Antivirus for best performance”. Also using this tab we can destroy our own key logger files after certain period of time.

During execution the error message will be displayed as

Step 9: The most important step in this process is server creation which needs bit logic .Go to “Server creation”  tab on server settings type the required description, Company, Copyright for ex

*Description: windows security alert
*Company: Microsoft
*Copyright: Microsoft Corporation

You can provide anything but it must be doubtless in regarding because these details will be displayed at task manager during execution

Step 10: Next on “server generation” provide any name to your key logger file (ex:iexplorer.exe) on “SET SERVER NAME’S PROCESS AS”

Step 11: Click on “GENERATE NEW SERVER” and save it to desired location.whoa ! you created an keylogger now send that file to victim.

NOTE: these .exe files are easily detectable and cannot be send by gmail, for this purpose try to compile it with any of other games or word documents and send it to your victim.
If you have any clarifications comment on these post and we will try to solve it at best

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